
Offer 111 out of 187 from 11/02/25, 14:05


Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie - Zentrales Bewerbermanagement

Das Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie (MPI EVA) erforscht die Geschichte der Menschheit mittels vergleichender Analysen von Genen, Kulturen, kognitiven Fähigkeiten, Sprachen und sozialen Systemen vergangener und gegenwärtiger menschlicher Populationen sowie von Gruppen dem Menschen nahe verwandter Primaten. Die Zusammenführung dieser Forschungsgebiete führt zu neuen Einsichten in die Geschichte, die Vielfalt, die Anpassungen und die Fähigkeiten der menschlichen Spezies. Das Institut vereint Wissenschaftler*innen verschiedenster Disziplinen und Nationalitäten, die sich von einem interdisziplinären Ansatz her mit der Evolution des Menschen beschäftigen.

Student Research Assistant (m/f/d) position in the field of anthropology


Working field:

The Lise Meitner Research Group BirthRites - Cultures of Reproduction is an independent, interdisciplinary group at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Our aims are: to better understand the relationship between culture and demography in the past, present and future; to develop theoretical models of reproductive dynamics, and to draw together research practices from the humanities and sciences. We combine insights from high-resolution field research, ethnography, comparative analysis, statistical and theoretical modeling, historical and conceptual approaches to reproduction.

We are looking for two Student Research Assistants (m/f/d) to assist with processing data from a postdoctoral project on marriage practices in the South Pacific. The successful applicants will work with our team for three months on a part-time basis, ideally starting on April 21st, 2025 (earlier start dates are possible). Following successful completion of these tasks, further involvement in the group’s diverse projects may be possible if desired.

Your role:
The research project you will be working with focuses on traditional and contemporary marriage practices in rural areas of Vanuatu, Melanesia, and how they relate to demographic patterns such as reproductive histories and women’s wellbeing. The survey data have already been collected but the results are currently stored in paper forms. In your position, you will be responsible for organizing and entering these data into a digital format.

You will be hosted in the Lise Meitner Research Group BirthRites - Cultures of Reproduction at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, supervised by Heidi Colleran (Group Leader) and Eva Brandl (Postdoctoral Researcher).


  • An interest in the social sciences or humanities (any field)
  • Conscientiousness and attention to detail
  • Basic computer skills (incl. Microsoft Office)
  • English language skills, both written and spoken
  • Availability to work on-site at our institute
  • Prior experience with processing research data is not required, but advantageous
  • German language skills are not required, but advantageous
    Note: Applicants must be enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program (or equivalents such as Lehramt or Diplom) at a German university. Unfortunately, we cannot hire PhD students.

What we offer:

  • Two three-month positions, with working hours capped at a maximum of 80 hours per month per person. Students enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree earn 13,80€ per hour; students enrolled in a Master’s degree earn 14,40€ per hour
  • The chance to gain work experience in an international research environment
  • The chance to gain experience working with research data
  • Flexible work hours

How to apply:

Electronic Applications (Applicants form only via our career website: ) will be considered until March 24th, 2025.
Your application should contain the following information:

  • A cover letter detailing your motivation for the position and relevant interests and experience (max. 1 page)
  • A curriculum vitae including copies of relevant university degree certificates if applicable
  • A copy of your current certificate of matriculation (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung).

Candidates of all nationalities are invited to apply. The Max Planck Society and the Lise Meitner Research Group BirthRites are committed to equal opportunities and encourage applications from individuals with disabilities and those typically underrepresented in science fields, such as women and minorities.