
Offer 168 out of 176 from 13/01/25, 12:47


Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH


Germany has more than 9000 anaerobic digestion (AD) plants in operation, which provide a sustainable source of electricity, heat and substitute natural gas. However, they face economic challenges due to expiring state subsidies. To ensure AD process stability during on-demand operation, novel monitoring and control approaches for AD plants need to be investigated.
Our working group has developed a multirate extended Kalman filter (MR-EKF) that delivered promising results in simulative studies. Moreover, a lab-scale automated feeder at DBFZ allows for dynamic feeding schedules and varying substrates. This thesis aims to demonstrate monitoring of a lab-scale AD process with the MR-EKF and DBFZ’s automated feeder.
As a master’s candidate in our working group, you will be assisted in understanding the underlying process models as well as the methods used to develop code for AD process monitoring on your own. You will thereby gain hands-on experience for your coding skills, solidify your expertise in practical lab work and deepen your knowledge of the AD process.

State Estimation of a lab-scale Anaerobic Digester with Extended Kalman Filter and automated feeder


Master Thesis

Working field:

  • Getting familiar with the AD model, the MR-EKF & experimental setup
  • Extending code to fit an online application at the automated feeder
  • Plan and support experiments for model calibration
  • Implementing, testing and improving the experimental implementation
  • Documenting implementation and results in a manuscript


  • Perseverance and intrinsic motivation
  • Solid knowledge in math and control theory
  • Elementary knowledge in Matlab programming
  • If possible: experience in mechatronics, data handling, plc or microcontroller programming

What we offer:

  • A good introduction to the topic as well as competent and motivated support in the processing of the tasks
  • A family-friendly, modern working environment in a collegial working atmosphere
  • Good public transport connections

How to apply:


Please apply with a convincing application including a letter of motivation and a current certificate of enrolment (only 1 attachment possible, preferably as pdf, max. 5 MB).


For an encrypted transmission of your application you can use the upload form Cryptshare.